Training program for teachers of Tanakh in memory of Danielle Sonnenfeld A”H
This training program exposes teachers to a new outlook on exegetical commentary on Tanakh and the teachings of Chazal. This methodology breathes new life into learning Tanakh with the goal of awakening within the child the knowledge and ability to identify with the values and good character traits of our ancestors.
Bimonthly, an advising Rabbi will come to the staff room and train educators – topic by topic – on the material they are currently teaching. Such staff development will include techniques and tools for teaching Tanach which will guide teachers in all aspects of teaching (i.e., how to teach complex or sensitive topics, what content to choose for a lesson, how to make lessons come alive and inspiring and more). This guidance will contribute toward building a conducive ethical and value-oriented approach and is intended to inspire a more giving love of Torah school atmosphere.
The Danielle Foundation, established by Mr. Elio Moti Sonnenfeld in memory of his beloved daughter Danielle A”H, is dedicating this project in memory of Danielle A”H who excelled in her knowledge of Torah and Tanakh.