The Danielle Sonnenfeld Foundation

The Danielle Sonnenfeld Foundation > Activities > Horev School in Raanana

Horev School in Raanana

After completing her elementary school years in Bilu and Noam in Raanana, Danielle z”l, continued to Horev Middle School in her hometown of Raanana. She was a model student whose academic excellence was second only to her outstanding character traits. Danielle exuded goodness of heart, and her image and glowing smile will forever be engraved upon the hearts and souls of her classmates and teachers.

Years later, Danielle described her years at Horev as “significantly molding her character.” Upon learning of her tragic death, the school faculty and administration collectively determined to eternalize the memory of their beloved Danielle on the exterior of the school building.

The following inscription was engraved upon the special dedication plaque created and designed especially in Danielle’s memory:

L’ilui nishmat
Our dear and beloved student,
Abounding with talents
Pleasant in nature and refined in character
Danielle, z”l,
Bat R’ Eliyahu Mordechai Sonnenfeld, sheyichyeh
A true friend of our community here in Raanana and of the Torah World
She was taken suddenly on 3 Adar, 5775

Horev School was founded in Raanana in year 2000 with several dozen students, yet has already grown to comprise over 300 students from the city and its environs. It is renowned far and wide for its integration of advanced general and religious studies and is expertly administrated by Rabbi Yisrael Danziger.