The Danielle Sonnenfeld Foundation

The Danielle Sonnenfeld Foundation > Activities > Open Sukkah by B’Noam Danielle, 5778

Open Sukkah by B’Noam Danielle, 5778

With the onset of Succos 5778, B’Noam Danielle, founded in loving memory of Danielle Sonnenfeld, launched a unique national campaign inviting all Israeli citizens to visit its chain of Open Sukkahs throughout the country. In the framework of this special program and in cooperation with hundreds of Rabbis involved in the project and Chabad Youth, some 550 families in cities and towns around Israel opened their sukkah doors to welcome hundreds of their fellow Jews to join in the mitzvah throughout the week of Succos.

Each Open Sukkah hosted a communal meal on the first night of the holiday, along with a Simchas Beis Hashoeva, Torah lectures, and exciting activities for the whole family throughout Chol Hamoed.  The sukkahs were open to anyone who wished to eat their meals in the sukkah and fulfill the special mitzvah of the holiday.