The Danielle Sonnenfeld Foundation

“Shirat Danielle”

At Matan HaSharon (Machon Torani L’Nashim)—Women’s Torah Institute, Jewish women unite to learn and advance their knowledge and growth in Judaism through fascinating lectures and chavrutah-style learning.

Danielle’s Song in Matan Hasharon

At Matan HaSharon (Machon Torani L’Nashim)—Women’s Torah Institute, Jewish women unite to learn and advance their knowledge and growth in Judaism through fascinating lectures and chavrutah-style learning.

Matan offers an eclectic variety of riveting lectures and classes on subjects including Tanach, Jewish philosophy, Midrash, Talmud, Halachah and Chassidut.  The Institute’s activities also extend beyond the Beit Midrash and directly into community life through a wide range of public activities and projects.

The Sonnenfeld family is perpetuating the beautiful melody of Danielle’s life by dedicating the Activity Room in Matan Hasharon’s brand new community center in Raanana in memory of their beloved daughter. The room, called Shirat Danielle (Danielle’s Song), prolongs the magical harmony that emanated from her radiant character.

Because Danielle’s song will never still!


Rachel Sonnenfeld, Danielle, a”h’s, mother, at the Kviat Mezuzah in the Shirat Danielle Room at Matan Hasharon.



 Dedication plaque in memory of Danielle Sonnenfeld in the new Activity Room.


מתן השרון גדול