Classes in Halacha for women in memory of Danielle Sonnenfeld A”H
The goal of the Tzorba for Women Program: To build a bridge and connect the generational links of Halachic rulings with nuance and detail for women interested in learning Halacha through an experiential process that will foster the ability to gain familiarity with and practice the daily Halachot.
Tzorba for Women fosters hundreds of study centers in Israel and around the world, where on a weekly basis thousands of women attend lectures on practical Halacha which relate to daily life. The program is organized and structured for a weekly study session, which will encompass all four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, from source to practical Halacha.
The first study workbook of the Program deals with the Halachot of early morning and prayer and the contents of the workbook have been adapted to focus on Halachot that are more relevant to women and girls and that incorporate captivating Torah sources.
Tzorba for Women is sponsored by Keren Danielle – The Danielle Foundation, which was established by Mr. Elio Moti Sonnenfeld in memory of his daughter Danielle A”H, herself a young talmidat chachamim and very knowledgeable in Halacha.
On the 4th of September 2015 the program was launched in the presence of MKs, Rabanim and many friends at Leonardo City Tower, Ramat Gan.